All living things live in certain habitats and are in inevitable interaction with each other. The Covid-19 pandemic is a pandemic that emerged as a product of human-animal interaction and turned into a global problem.
It is the first pandemic caused by the coronavirus, with the spread of SARS-CoV 2, which emerged in Wuhan, China in December 2019, to more than 200 countries worldwide. This pandemic has changed many things economically and environmentally. Due to the fact that people have changed most of their habitual habits, there have been many changes in the world economy and life that will affect the future closely.
Living with the Covid-19 pandemic has had major negative effects. Thousands of people die every day, global economic losses, inadequate health systems, psychological fear and stress have negatively affected human life for a long time. As a result of these negativities, certain habits of people had to change.
Of course, all these pandemics have had positive effects as well as negative effects. The withdrawal of people from life and the closure of homes has contributed a lot to nature. For example, according to the statements made by NASA and ESA as a result of their research, air pollution related to quarantine in cities in China has decreased significantly.
The decrease in the use of fosil fuels due to reductions in travel has also led to a temporary reduction in air pollution, similar to what was observed in China.
When all these positive and negative situations come together, the Covid-19 outbreak has had serious consequences for health and economy globally. When we think that pandemics will always exist in our lives in the future, humanity has to find a way to get out of this unfortunate situation with the least losses and learn important lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic.
Source : Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences, The early impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the global and Turkish economy,Volume 50, Number SI-1, Article 6, January of 2020.